Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Bathroom - A Sanctuary

The bathroom is a utility area as such but if one sees it from another perspective, it is a sanctuary.
It is a haven where one can relax and unwind with a warm shower to soothe one's frayed nerves after a long hard day's work.
It is a refuge for people, who want to vent out or cry which they are unable to do in front of the general public or a house full of nephews, nieces and folks.
It is a hiding place of sorts, where one can hide things from their wives, mothers etc. Its only during the monthly cleaning that these are retrieved and all hell's loose but at least on other days, peace prevails. Its also a hideout for children on report card day or for husbands when their spouses are screaming at such decibels that are dangerous to eardrums.
It is a stage , where amateur singers can find expression with the hand shower acting as a make believe mike. A wanna be actor can mimic appropriate expressions in front of the mirror and get into his fantasy world without the prying eyes of a critical audience.
Nowadays, it serves as a library too, where many books and periodicals are stocked and many ingenious ideas born.
in fact, for many its akin to a sanctorium and the sole place where they can be themselves.

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