Monday, December 14, 2009

If one visits certain relatives and friends, one might notice their tendency to always talk of the past, sometimes repeating anecdotes and stories so many times that one's attention starts waning and one looks to change the topic or to slide into a dreamworld of one's own, with the buzzing of the speaker relegating to the background. Only to be roused into reality when the monologue gets over. This is especially with respect to elderly people and ladies in their mid years whose children have grown up and there is lot of free time.
Being a happy and positive person is a foremost prerequisite in order to be a good conversationalist.Here are some notes to remember-

# One should remember that his toothache is more important to him than another's famine/fever/headache etc.
# The past is over and finished and no amount of reliving it will make it change; it will only make one fatigued and depressed. Do not travel excess baggage, be light.
# To do something creative or completely unrelated at hand, will make one feel immediately exuberant rather than brooding on one's misfortunes.
# That, its virtually impossible to change another or what he did. What is possible, is however, to decide what you can do and excercise that choice with discretion.
# Moreover, a genuine interest and love for people not bordering on inquisitiveness and an ability to listen.

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